This May Be the Most Clever Cat You Have Ever Seen

Did you know that a cat’s brain occupies less than 1% of its body mass?

Yes, but brain size is not the measure of intelligence. You’ll be surprised by these facts about cat’s brain from PetMD: “It appears that surface folding and brain structure matter more than brain size. The brains of cats have a surface folding and structure that is very similar to that of the human brain, about 90 percent similar to be more exact. Morphologically, both cat brains and human brains have cerebral cortices with similar lobes.”

Photo: Tiktok/abrameng

Want to know how smart cats are? Here are the signs, according to BondVet:

  • Cats can learn and respond to their names.
  • Cats can distinguish the voices of a familiar person and a stranger.
  • Cats don’t easily give up on the things they want, and they often hold a grudge when they can’t get it.
  • Photo: Tiktok/abrameng
  • Cats are in tune with their owners’ emotions, like joy, sadness, and fear. They use the power of observation to assess their owners’ emotional reactions, upon which they base their own responses to an unfamiliar situation or thing. They can also respond to physical cues, a skill that sharpens with time.
  • Cats make their own decisions, uninfluenced by rewards, unlike dogs and other creatures.
  • Cats are known for associative learning, like adjusting their internal clock based on necessity or routine.
Photo: Tiktok/abrameng

Interestingly, BondVet stated that: “In the human brain, the cerebral cortex contains around 21 – 26 billion neurons, while a cat’s cerebral cortex has about 300 million neurons. Experts believe that a feline’s intelligence is comparable to that of a 2-year-old human.”

However, in this viral Tiktok video, an orange cat is seen playing a game where it was able to amazingly swing the loop onto the hook! It’s a game that even adults find hard to accomplish! It’s no wonder his owner’s reaction was incredulous!

Here are some awe-inspired comments from Tiktok users:

Photo: Tiktok/abrameng

From blackdahls: “How many tries did it take you??? I love it!”

From welovemjcat: “Kurt just bit the thing, and he just did it. He is a genius😏”

From Speaks Ryon: “He had the power of every orange cat brain cell in the world.”

From claire: “He was so scared when you got excited; he was like ‘did I do something wrong?’”



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